5 ways to reflect the warmth of summer with interior design
April 18, 2014 - 20:15

It may not be summer quite yet, but the season is fast approaching.

Using rhythm to create a design flow
April 17, 2014 - 14:27

One of the most basic interior design principles is rhythm.

Creative approaches to interior design
April 17, 2014 - 12:25

In order to really help your home stand out from other dwellings, it's important to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while.

Out-of-the-box items to use as your coffee table
April 15, 2014 - 15:43

Coffee tables are a must-have for any room - they create a focal point, contribute style and provide necessary storage space for items like magazines, books and TV remotes. 

Lighting ideas to highlight decor and architecture
April 11, 2014 - 17:18

From bamboo flooring and wall panels to open shelving and wall art, there are always lots of elements to highlight in a room to really bring out the style of the space.
