Bamboo flooring on basketball courts offer upgrades in flexibility, durability and even visual beauty over traditional maple and beech wood.

The basketball court is one of the most sacred playing surfaces in all of sports.

Bamboo floors and panels can be a beautiful enhancement to most any office environment.

The old way of thinking about design as a system of function over form has almost disappeared over the past 20 years or so, as people realize they can achieve both ends at the same time.

Bamboo is a beautiful and diverse alternative to traditional building and design materials.

Whether you're a contractor or a DIYer, the type of materials you use in your next construction or home design project will be an important consideration.

Bamboo plywood can be part of any kitchen upgrade.

For many people, the kitchen is the most important room in the house.

Between the growing popularity of home improvement shows and increasing public awareness of the need to make living spaces more environmentally friendly, sustainable products like bamboo flooring and paneling are becoming a keystone of smart interior design.


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