Bamboo for your decks and patios

Bamboo has become an essential alternative material for building and redesigning decks and other outdoor areas.

What better way to accentuate your outdoor spaces than to use a natural grass to build your deck or patio? It might seem counterintuitive, but there is one type of grass that is stronger than wood, while also being more durable and environmentally sustainable. That grass is, of course, bamboo.

While it might not be what most people first think of when they go about selecting a material for their outdoor living spaces, bamboo offers a number of practical advantages over other products on the market.

Bamboo for your deck
Bamboo decking is quickly becoming one of the most popular choices among contractors and DIYers. Its strength and ability to withstand punishment make it perfect for outdoor projects, and with its natural wood finish it can blend in with almost any exterior feature of your residential or commercial building.

Of all the different flooring types available to you for your outdoor project - from hardwood to manufactured composite materials and beyond - bamboo's virtues as an environmentally friendly product also make it stand apart. Grown in China, the bamboo used for such projects naturally regrows, effectively captures carbon and doesn't require the application of pesticides or other chemicals. It's one reason that, despite having been on the market for a much shorter time than many of its alternatives, it has already found a niche among builders.

Bamboo as a design element
Another thing that serves bamboo well in outdoor structures is its beautiful wood finish. Stained bamboo floors, like ebony or bronze strand Plyboo decking from Smith & Fong, fit in seamlessly with their environment, creating an overall aesthetic that can make them almost look as if they grew out of your backyard.

The inherent strength and durability also make them ideal for any type of product or design style you may want to add to the surface. If you want to turn your deck or patio into a spot for entertaining guests, bamboo can hold up to even the heaviest use, while also being able to support the tables, chairs and grilling instruments you will need to accommodate all those people.

If, on the other hand, you just want your deck to be a place to relax and lounge on during the warm spring and summer months, then you can find any number of porch swings, hammocks and other outdoor furniture options that will meld with your surroundings to create a cozy environment.

Finally, bamboo will be able to hold up against the harsh weather it will face throughout the fall and winter, as its natural durability is perfect for dealing with the worst mother nature can throw at it.